ATLANTA (CBS Atlanta) — A new study reveals that some women have orgasms while they are giving birth.
According to LiveScience, 0.3 percent of women have ecstatic or orgasmic births.
“It’s stimulation of the birth canal, stimulation of the cervix, the vagina and the clitoris and uterine contractions,” Barry Komisaruk, a Rutgers University science professor, told LiveScience. “A lot of women say during sexual orgasms uterine contractions feel pleasurable.”
The French study — conducted by psychologist Thierry Postel – surveyed 956 midwives about orgasmic births. Postel found that there were 668 cases where women told the midwives they experienced an orgasm during while giving birth, 868 cases where midwives witnessed an orgasm during childbirth and nine mothers who confirmed they had an orgasmic birth.
Postel wrote the study “established the fact that obstetrical pleasure exists,” according to LiveScience.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that only one in three women report having frequent orgasms, compared two in three of men.